Why join the Rotary Club of Johannesburg South 101
If you live or do business in the South of Johannesburg or Alberton areas, we’d love to consider you for membership in the Rotary Club of Johannesburg South 101.
There are no secret handshakes, funny hats, flamboyant regalia or fancy titles. Just a simple pin representing the value of service to others. A pin that opens the door to more than 35,000 clubs in over 200 countries around the world. And makes Rotary’s 1.2 million members your new friends.
Rotary clubs are filled with business and civic leaders who call each other by their first names because friendship and service are more important than ego. Think of it as the oldest, most trusted, social network.
In addition to having a lot of fun, we do a lot of good work right here in the South of Johannesburg and around the world. For example, we support United cerebral Palsy Association home and Rotary’s Polio Plus project is ridding the world of polio.
These aren’t the kind of projects where you write a check and call it a day. You’ll learn while testing your leadership and organizational skills. You’ll give by rolling up your sleeves and pitching in. Getting satisfaction from grateful smiles, hugs and a simple “thank you.”
That’s what Rotary is all about and why every member receives that pin — the one that shows you believe ideas, leadership and friendship count more than nationality, religion, gender or other factors.
Joining Rotary
Joining Rotary is by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for membership, please contact one of our active members.
Find out more about the Rotary Club of Johannesburg South 101 by being our guest at one of our Tuesday evening dinner meetings by completing the Contact Me form below.
Membership Benefits
- Participate in a variety of opportunities to “give back” in service to your community and the world
- Network weekly with an unparalleled group of influential decision makers
- Receive ongoing practical education
- Make friendships with other Irvine-area business and professional leaders
- Enjoy the prestige of belonging to Irvine’s best Rotary club
Membership Qualifications
- Interested in networking with the most influential leaders in local business and civic communities
- Willing to participate in and/or support projects that enhance our community
- Willing to participate in and/or support projects that help people in developing countries and promote international understanding and goodwill